Become a GCA Member

There are many benefits to joining the Glenayre Community Association (GCA). The GCA is a non-partisan voice for the Port Moody subdivision known as Glenayre. Membership does not mean that you are obliged to participate in any event.

The GCA Constitution states the purposes of our association:

Membership fees are our primary source of revenue and are used to fund the various events and activities sponsored by the GCA.

Your membership fee of twenty five dollars ($25) supports the GCA’s functions and services listed below. 

If you live in one of our surrounding neighbourhoods and wish to become an associate member, the fee is $30.



The GCA Executive organizes events every year to give neighbours a chance to build their sense of community. Please join us for our:

Join the GCA E-mail Distribution List

The electronic version of the newsletter was suspended in September 2023 due to a lack of demand for a paperless version. For everyone who has signed on to the GCA email list, you will still receive time-sensitive alerts and notifications such as program registration deadlines, security and safety matters and promotions in our neighbourhood. 

For those of you who have not signed up, we want to re-assure you that you should you sign up for the GCA email list, you will not be inundated with GCA spam. The GCA sent out less than a half dozen “E-blast” messages in the past year, and they are always relevant and time-sensitive to our neighbourhood. If you’re not signed up and wish to, please e-mail your name and home address to

Don’t forget to check us out on the Glenayre Facebook page at and of course our GCA web site is full of useful information and links at The GCA printed version newsletter is available on this website.

Join the GCA

We run our membership drive every spring, starting with a membership table at the Easter Egg Hunt, followed up with volunteers canvassing the neighbourhood through mid-May. If you missed these opportunities to join, please  CONTACT US  and we would be happy to help get you added to our lists! 

Join the GCA Executive

The GCA Executive is the core group of volunteers that organize and manage all the GCA services and events in accordance with the GCA Constitution and  GCA By-Laws. We welcome any GCA member who reached the age of majority and is willing to commit to our ten 1.5-to-2-hour meetings each year. You are welcome to CONTACT US to put your name forward if you are interested in joining the Executive.