2023 News & Announcements
Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas Glenayre!
As 2023 nears to an end, we just have to watch the news for reminders as to why we are so lucky to live in Canada. I am sure you will all join the GCA Executive in wishing for Peace all over the world in 2024.
These are also times of financial hardship for many, not just globally but right here in Port Moody as well. Please support our local food bank SHARE this holiday. Cash donations are welcome, and they allow the charity to channel support where it is needed most.
Please go to https://sharesociety.ca/donate-to-share to donate now.
On behalf of all Glenayre Community Association members, we wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
May 2024 ring in a year of Peace, Prosperity, and Happiness for all!
UPDATE: The Holiday Lights of Glenayre 2023
The annual Holiday Decoration Contest judging will be on the weekend of December 17.
In addition to bragging rights and having the prestigious “winners lawn sign” proudly displayed in front of your home for all your neighbours and guests to see, you’ll also receive a $50.00 cash prize!
If you haven’t yet taken a walk or a slow drive through the streets of Glenayre to check out all the festive light displays, we hope you find some time to do so over the Christmas break!
While you’re at it be sure to check out the Winner and the Runner Ups of our 2023 Holiday Lighting Contest. With so many decked out homes it was a tough decision, but we are happy to announce the accolades this year go to Max and Arlene Kean at 645 Garrow Drive!
Second place goes to 955 Caithness Drive.
Tied for third place are 826 and 958 Dundonald Drive.
Congratulations to all! Thank you for your part in making Glenayre sparkle and for adding light to our longest nights of the year!
Save the date! On Saturday, December 9 at 10 AM, your GCA, in conjunction with Port Moody’s finest, will be hosting a Fraud Prevention Workshop. Please come to the Glenayre Community Centre for a one-hour Presentation and Q&A Period. This is a great opportunity to learn about the latest tactics used by scammers and how to protect yourself and your family from fraud & identity theft.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! Calling all Grads, if you would like to help volunteer to set up or tear down after the Workshop, please contact us at GCA.contact@gmail.com
The annual Children’s Christmas Craft Fair at École Glenayre Elementary School is fast approaching, and we are still in need of VOLUNTEERS and many more CRAFT DONATIONS. This is a closed event only for students at Glenayre Elementary.
We are hoping that each student will be able to purchase two crafts each, which means we will need 700 crafts. Crafts can be simple, or store bought and can be dropped off at the office. If you are available to volunteer it would be greatly appreciated.
Volunteers are needed for the following times:
4 volunteers 8:45 to 9:30 - Set up
5 volunteers 9:30 to 10:30 - Wrapping
8 volunteers for 10:30 to 11:30 - Wrapping and/or craft table
8 volunteers for 11:30 to 12:30 - Wrapping and/or craft table
6 volunteers for 12:30 to 1:30 - last minute wrapping and clean up.
All crafts are $2.00, and proceeds will be donated to Crossroads Hospice in Port Moody.
LINK: Christmas Craft Sale HANDOUT
Please contact Kelli Staples at kstaples@shaw.ca if you can share some of your time!
Santa's Christmas Ships
Christmas Boat Parade - Port Moody & North Shore
Dec 1 - Rocky Point Park Wharf and Port Moody.
For other dates and locations, please see Santa's Christmas Ship Schedule 2023
The Santa Ships depart Reed Point Marina at 7pm and work their way to the destinations at 5 knot speed. Arrival times depends on travel distance from marina.
In most cases 7:30 to 8 PM is arrival time.
Listen in on VHF channel 69!
École Glenayre Elementary School
Order deadline is Nov 27, 2023
Order using this link: https://fundraising.purdys.com/join.aspx/16793-108586
Profits from this fundraiser go to support school initiatives such as field trips, educational programs, tech support, sports programs, supplies and more
for the students of École Glenayre Elementary School.
Follow glenayrepac on Instagram for pickup details.
Thank you!
On November 2, 2023, the Glenayre Community Association had our Annual General Meeting in the Glenayre Community Centre. Highlights:
Our new President for 2024 is Kelli Staples. Kelli has been active in our community for many years, and we are very, very lucky to have her back in this role.
Mark Florkow is back again as Treasurer; Mark has been doing a great job keeping the Executive on track fiscally.
Darcy Kowalchuk is back as a director and has been instrumental in getting our Facebook page activated.
Lesley Evans-Ogden has also agreed to stay on and provide her insight to the group for another year.
Nadine Rowat who has been responsible for growing our business partner revenue and managing memberships has also reupped for 2024.
New this year, we have Marian MacNeil as a Director at Large. Welcome aboard Marian!
We still have two director openings to fill, one for VP and another for Secretary. You can sign up to join the GCA Executive at GCA.contact@gmail.com. The GCA Executive meets ten times a year and helps to facilitate the half dozen or so events we host each year. Not a lot of time is required but its very satisfying to give back to your community.
We would like to thank Sean Ogilvie, Last President, Mike Fricker, Past President, and Warren Lyne, Director at Large,
for their contributions to the GCA Executive during the past few years.
Our treasurer Mark had some great news for us again at the annual AGM. You raised just under $15,000 this year! We had just over 75% participation from our residents towards our annual dues. Thank you everyone for your support. The Me-n-Eds Pizza Night on the first Thursday of every month raised just over $346 and the Port Moody Liquor Store partnership raised over $2,700, up from $1,000 in 2022! This holiday if you are buying beverages for your guest or as a gift, please check out the Port Moody Liquor Store at 2929 St. Johns Street and simply tell them you are from Glenayre - and 5% of your purchase will be donated to our community association. Me-n-Eds Pizza donates 15% of any order, dine in, take out or delivery on the first Thursday of each month to the GCA. We also saw an increase in miscellaneous revenue which was predominantly derived from our generous event sponsors. Our fundraising revenue rose from $350 in 2022 to $1,750 in 2023.
It should be noted that our past treasurer warned the GCA Executive that the GCA would run out of funds to support our annual events and activities within the next two years. Well, two years on, not only do we have reserves in excess of $13,000, we have also paid in full for our new message boards which was a massive capital expenditure for our community. We should all be very proud of this accomplishment - a job well done, folks!
I would like to thank the GCA Executive for all their hard work over the past two years. I never realised just how many people in our neighbourhood contribute so much anonymously. Although there is still work to do, I am proud of what the Executive achieved over the last two years. To name just a few accomplishments, we successfully advocated to preserve our park space for future generations. We righted the ship fiscally and we made great strides to strengthen our voice with the City.
We also initiated dialogue with the College Park Community Association so we can advocate more effectively with Port Moody City Hall for the benefit of the entire West Side. We brought new programming to our Community Centre and several improvements to our neighbourhood, such as the restoration of “Suicide Hill”. Several other projects are still in the works and soon to come. We increased our sense of community spirit and reinstated our cherished events after theywere interrupted by Covid. We had our logos digitally vectorized so they can put on apparel for fundraising or used to add branding to our future event supplies, like tents or banners. Our new message boards are providing a useful tool to communicate with and further engage our neighbourhood.
It’s been an honour to be your President and represent this great neighbourhood the last two years. We all recognize there are many changes on the horizon so I hope the GCA Executive will strive to preserve the form and character of this unique and very special neighbourhood for future generations.
Sincerely, Sean Ogilvie
Winter Hours and Dates
Every Sunday, 10 am – 2 pm
November – April
Port Moody Recreation Complex
(300 Ioco Rd, Port Moody, BC)
That the GCA CALENDAR on this website's HOME page lists upcoming community events - just click on any event for details! Easy to view on your phone!
The Scouts will be coming around collecting your recyclables on Saturday, November 18. For information, reminders and updates, please see https://www.glenayrescouts.org/bottle-drives or this GCA website calendar HOME page:
If you will not be home and want to leave your donation outside, please leave your recyclables in a clear plastic bag marked “Scouts” by your front door, front yard or another noticeable spot, and they will be picked up.
You are also welcome to drop off your contribution anytime between 9am and 12pm on bottle drive dates at the Glenayre Elementary School drive-through parking lot!
DID YOU KNOW.... our neighbourhood's garbage and recycling schedule may change when a statuatory holiday lands on our usual pick up days. To confirm when to put out your bins so you're not chasing the trucks, please see City of Port Moody Garbage & Recycling Schedule and you can request weekly reminders on this page to your email, mobile phone or landline!
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY - ASAP!! = position filled - thank you!
We are looking for a new newsletter delivery person ASAP for upper (east) Culzean. This is a short route with about 24 homes. If you are able to help deliver the newsletter for this route, please contact us at GCA.contact@gmail.com
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
By John McCrae
The GCA encourages everyone to pay your respects to the men and women who serve in our Military and to all the First Responders who we rely on every day. The Port Moody Legion honours our veterans and their families on Remembrance Day. Over 500 Cadets, Scouts, Girl Guides and Brownies join the Colour Party, Veterans, Legion members and First Responders to participate in a parade that ends at the cenotaph for the official act of remembrance and two-minute silence, followed by the laying of the wreaths:
10:00 AM - Interdenominational Service at the Port Moody Legion - 2529 Clarke Street - all are welcome
10:35 AM - Parade steps off from Port Moody Legion - route:
- South on Kyle Street
- East on St Johns Street
- North on Grant Street
- West on Clarke Street to Port Moody Legion to the cenotaph on Spring Street
11:00 AM - Remembrance Day Service - wreath laying at cenotaph on Spring Street
Port Moody Legion will be open after service:
- Hot dogs for kids who marched in the parade on Spring Street
- After the service, exciting entertainment in the lounge into the evening!
Details available at City of Port Moody Events website.
Big thanks to Celebration Fireworks and the Port Moody Police for supporting this event. We had several people comment on how nice it was to have the road adjacent to the main viewing area blocked of to local traffic only so thank you to Constable Sam Zacharias of the Port Moody police for that.
Our apologies if anyone was startled by the Grand Finale - we received overwhelmingly positive feedback for the show this year. We raised over $260.00 at our donation table. We think this has much more revenue potential so we will try and improve our on-site signage next year. The number of trick or treaters this year was way up, and we noticed a steady stream of cars from the school to the firehall for a good half hour after the fireworks leaving Glenayre. Some homes recorded up to 670 trick or treaters. Thank you everyone for your generosity and hospitality. Glenayre is a great place to trick or treat with all the nice decorations and overwhelming participation, and on that note…
CONGRATULATIONS to Brenda & Jim Cox and Heather Spiers
for their wonderful display at 902 Dundonald Drive!
The Coxs’ have generously asked that we donate their $50 prize back to the GCA.
We would like to make an honorable mention to 943 Dundonald, 945 Glencoe and 517 Ailsa for their wonderful displays.
Thank you all who participated!
The GCA Executive would like to thank Nadine for her leadership in organizing our 2nd Annual Fall Craft Sale. This year’s event was for crafts only and the tables SOLD OUT! Our 2nd Annual Fall Craft Sale and Food Drive netted 130 lbs. of food for the Food Bank. The quality of crafts at the sale was very impressive! We had over 16 different varieties of items to buy. If you could not make it this year, be sure not to miss this shopping bonanza in 2024.
Please send photos from this event to GCA.contact@gmail.com for our website - thanks!!
Our second year partnering with the Port Moody Liquor Store was a huge success! By shopping with them and letting them know you are from Glenayre, you helped raise just over $2,700. Please continue to shop at the Port Moody Liquor Store. Aside from supporting our neighbourhood and giving back 5% of your purchase to the GCA, they have a great selection, competitive prices and friendly helpful staff. We really appreciate their support. (2929 St John's Street, next to 7-11)
In the last year you raised $130 from the Me-n-Ed’s Pizza Night. This is down from last year so we want to remind you that delivery, take out or dine in count. Me-n-Ed’s gives 20% of orders made on the 1st Thursday of each month to the GCA. Just tell them you are a resident of Glenayre when placing your order. (1121 Austin Ave. PH: 604.931.2468)
The GCA annual AGM is on Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 8 PM at the Glenayre Community Centre. It would be great to see you all you all at the meeting to learn what the GCA Executive has been up to and share any ideas you may have for events or action items we should consider for next year. One event we plan to reinstate for 2023 is the “Kids’ Christmas Craft Fair”. We welcome your ideas of activities we should have and what would be the best time to hold the event so as many residences as possible can participate.
We have three vacancies on the GCA Executive for 2024 and we encourage you to consider getting involved. Our President's maximum two-year term comes to an end, and due to promotions with their demanding day jobs, we also need a new Secretary and one more Director at Large. It is rewarding to give back to this great neighbourhood! The GCA Executive meets once a month for less than 2 hours in the evening and you are not required to attend all of the year's activities, so the commitment is minimal and the rewards are great. If you cannot make the AGM we always welcome your feedback and suggestions at GCA.contact@gmail.com
Your GCA Executive will be doing the judging for the Second Annual Halloween Decoration contest on October 28 evening. In addition to the coveted bragging rights, the winner will recieve a $50.00 cash prize!
The GCA is very happy to announce that the annual Halloween Fireworks Show will take place on Halloween night October 31, 2023, at the school at 8:00 PM. Last year's show was great! What a difference a year makes! Last year we were hoping for rain because it was still so dry and this year we are back to our normal hope for a dry night. Show goes on, rain or shine!
Viewing areas will be marked near the playground, the west end of the all-weather field and the main viewing area by Glencoe and school grounds near the playground.
Some areas are restricted for your safety and for insurance purposes so please do not go past the caution tape boundaries.
There will be a GCA Donation Table available in the main firework viewing area for those viewers from outside our neighbourhood to make a contribution, if they choose, to our Fireworks Show. This year we will have a card reader so people can pay electronically. This collection is not intended for GCA members who have already contributed to the Fireworks through their 2023 member dues.
We are asking for adult volunteers for security and for grads to help with clean up for volunteer credits. If you are able to help out, you will need to bring a rake and a miner’s lamp/head lamp. If you are interested to volunteer, please CONTACT US before the event so we can ensure we have adequate resources.
A HUGE thanks to everyone who was able to pay their membership dues this year. As of September 30, we collected just under $7,000 and we still have several more to add from October - well done everyone! Our Treasurer, Mark, will provide an overview of our 2023 fiscal year at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, November 2 starting at 8 PM, in our Community Centre. Thank you very much to everyone who contributed their $25 annual member dues! If you have not had a chance to contribute yet, please go to membership@myglenayre.ca to contribute your dues. All proceeds go to support the events and activities in Glenayre.
Effective August 4, 2023 to October 15, 2023:
Lawn watering is PROHIBITED.
Watering trees, shrubs, and flowers is permitted any day from 5:00 am to 9:00 am if using a sprinkler, or any time if hand watering or using drip irrigation. All hoses must have an automatic shut-off device.
Edible plants are exempt from regulations.
For more details on RESIDENTIAL RESTRICTIONS at this time, see:
On Saturday, October 14, 2023, 10 AM to 2 PM, we are holding the 2nd Annual Fall Craft Sale and Food Drive at the Glenayre Community Centre. There will be crafts by local artisans, refreshsments for all and treats for the kids.
We will be collecting non-perishable food items for our local food bank SHARE in Port Moody. You can make a cash donation by droppng off a cheque payable to "SHARE Family & Community Services". Cash donations are very useful as the Food Bank can allocate the funds where they are needed mist.
If you are not able to come to the Craft Sale to drop of a donation for the food bank, Save On Foods is holding a Thanksgiving Food Drive from September 9 to September 23 so you can make a donation or drop food items in the bin at their stores as well.
CALLING ALL GRADS - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - if you are looking to earn volunteer hours, we need your help with setting up and/or taking down tables, etc. at the Craft Sale. If you are interested, please contact Nadine at rowatn@hotmail.com
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
Ever wonder why Canada's Thanksgiving is celebrated at a different time than the USA and other countries that celebrate this holiday? The main reason in choosing that date is that the harvest tends to arrive earlier here than it does in the USA.
As the story goes, in 1578, English explorer Martin Frobisher and his crew gave thanks and Communion was observed either on land at Frobisher Bay, now present-day Nunavut, or onboard a ship anchored there. The exploreres dined on salt beef, biscuits, and mushy peas, and gave thanks for their safe arrival in what was then Newfoundland. This is now accepted as the first Canadian Thanksgiving, 43 years before the first American Thanksgiving.
48 years later, on November 14, 1606, inhabitants of New France, under Smauel de Champlain, held huge feast of thanksgiving between local Mi'kmaq people and the French inhabitants. The neighbouring Mi'kmaq likely introduced the French to cranberries, or as they called them, petit pommes rouges (little red apples). Though not known at the time by the settlers, cranberries, rich in vitamin C, are credited with helping avoid scurvy.
We hope everyone likes the new sign boards at the two main entrances to Glenayre. The former sign boards were made by longtime Glenayre resident Keith T., and served our community well, and after many years the signboards needed to be replaced. A BIG THANK YOU to Mike F. and Kelli S. for initiating this renewal project and to everyone who contributed to our new signs during the procurement process. While the signs were expensive, the final cost was under budget and the leftover funds will go towards purchasing pre-made festive events signs that we can use throughout the year, such as our Annual easter Egg Hunt, and to purchase a storage box for the sign letters. Any remaining funds will return to the general revenue fund.
These signs will service our community for many years to come - a job well done, everyone!
Bottle Drives are going paperless, so you will no longer receive a paper flyer delivered to your home before each bottle drive. Watch for signs posts in our neighbourhood entrances the week before each bottle drive. For information, reminders and updates, please see https://www.glenayrescouts.org/bottle-drives or this GCA website calendar HOME page.
Please leave your bottles and cans in a bag in front of your yard or door, or another noticeable spot, and they will be picked up.
You are also welcome to drop off your contribution anytime between 9am and 12pm on bottle drive dates at the Glenayre Elementary School drive-through parking lot!
Questions? bottledrive@glenayrescouts.org (posted September 11, 2023)
The electronic version of the newsletter is being suspended due to a lack of demand for a paperless version. For everyone who has signed on to the GCA email list, you will still receive time-sensitive alerts and notifications such as program registration deadlines, security and safety matters and promotions in our neighbourhood.
For those of you who have not signed up, we want to re-assure you that you should you sign up for the GCA email list, you will not be inundated with GCA spam. The GCA sent out less than a half dozen “E-blast” messages in the past year, and they are always relevant and time-sensitive to our neighbourhood. If you’re not signed up and wish to, please e-mail your name and home address to GCA.contact@gmail.com
Don’t forget to check us out on the Glenayre Facebook page at www.facebook.com/myglenayre and of course our GCA web site is full of useful information and links at www.myglenayre.ca. The GCA printed version newsletter is available on this website.
The GCA would like to thank Maria Venida for her excellent work on the electronic newsletter
and for continuing to manage our e-mail alerts and contacts.
THANK YOU the City of PoMo RECREATION (posted September 2, 2023)
The GCA would like to thank the CoPM Recreation team for bringing new activities to Glenayre for everyone on Port Moody’s west side. This summer there were two free introductory pickleball sessions offered and this fall there will be Hatha Yoga sessions on Sunday evenings in our community centre.
These programs filled up very quickly. This is another reason for you to subscribe to the GCA e-mail list, join our Facebook page and check the “News” section on our web page (www.myglenayre.ca) so you can regularly access information about activities and events that are announced after the GCA paper newsletter cut off or during the summer months when the GCA newsletter is on vacation.
We are encouraging the CoPM to add more programs for you and your family, so if you want to participate in something but see the program is full, please sign on to their wait list. This will help support the CoPM Recreation team to add more sessions and related programs for us to enjoy. You can also reach out to the CoPM Recreation team with request or suggestions.
To learn more about recreation in Port Moody, go to the “Recreation, Parks and Environment” section on the CoPM’s web page at www.portmoody.ca
The GCA was happy to support a group of local volunteers to hold the annual Glenayre Family Picnic again this past July. This event was absent for a few years and everyone was very happy to see it back. A fun time was had by all. There were hot dogs, pop corn, cotton candy andother treats for everyone to enjoy. Live music was courtesy of local musicians who helped to make the event even more festive. There were lots of fun activities and games such as the watermelon eating contest, relay races, face painting, balloons and tug of war. Big thanks to Love Realty for sponsoring the bubble machine and to Shaw Baker Realtors for another generous cash contribution towards the days’ activities. Congrats to all the volunteers for a job well done! Photos of this event are located on this website at this link: Glenayre in Photos
REQUEST!! if you have Family Picnic Day photos to contribute to this page, please send to GCA.contact@myglenayre.com
As may of you know, the Ailsa Spray Park upgrades were delayed because the entire surface needed to be redone. The new surface was installed, and it looks great. Phase II is still planned to commence this Fall. It was delayed because the previous design infringed on the riparian setback for the creek. The new manager of CoPM Parks is meeting with the landscape architect to revise the plans so they can finally complete the spray park upgrades for next summer.
REMINDER: please keep your pets out of the Ailsa Spray Park as their claws may damage the surface. The new drinking fountain at the park will allow filling of drink bottles and we will provide a bowl for people to fill with water on hot days for their pets.
We would like to say a big THANK YOU to the CoPM Parks team for helping to restore the height of the toboggan hill in the Art Wilkinson Park. Several truck loads of dirt were added to the top, the sledding should be epic this winter!
NEW ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY: Trail Network Plan (posted September 2, 2023)
The City of Port Moody is developing a trail network plan that will guide them as they manage trails and prioritize enhancements over the next 30 years. How do you use Port Moody’s trail network? What do you like about it and what can be improved? Share your thoughts with the CoPM!
Join the CoPM at one of their on-trail pop-up information sessions (September 13 and 16, 2023) to learn more and have your say, or go to Engage Port Moody, their online public engagement hub, to fill out a community survey by October 4, 2023. The trail network plan will define a vision for the CoPM’s extensive trail network and provide clear and coordinated direction for long-term planning and management of these trails. Your input will inform the development of a draft plan for CoPM Council’s consideration.
For more information, please visit the Trail Network Plan project page at engage.portmoody.ca
REMINDER!!! City of PoMo Recreation - Fall Ice Sports Registration
Programs include group skating lessons, private lessons and hockey programs:
Registration for Set-1 of Fall Ice Sports begins online on Tuesday August 15 at 8am, programs are viewable online now. Set-1 runs for 5-weeks starting the week of September 5.
Registration for Set-2 Ice Sports starts Tuesday October 3. Set-2 runs for 11 weeks starting the week of October 10.
REMINDER!!! Check our our GCA Community Links page HERE
This is a gentle reminder for those who still would like to contribute their GCA 2023 Membership of $25, or $30 for associate or non-residents. To pay your membership online via e-transfer, please use this email for the e-transfer: membership@myglenayre.ca. If you prefer, you can drop off a cheque made out to the Glenayre Community Association at 485 Ailsa Avenue. For further details please go to our web page at www.myglenayre.ca/contribute-2023-dues.
We are looking for volunteers for September to finish up the GCA Membership Drive by door-knocking to help with our door-to-door collections after summer. The door knocking is very important as we know from experience that residents who have not yet paid typically just forgot or have not gotten around to it, and gladly pay when you ask. If you would like to volunteer with collecting member dues in September, please contact Nadine at rowatn@hotmail.com or GCA.contact@myglenayre.com
The City of Port Moody is offering a hatha yoga series this fall in our neighbourhood! Hatha yoga combines rhythmic breathing, meditation, and flowing movement to create a balance between mind and body. You will build strength, flexibility and balance while toning the muscles of your body. This program runs Sep 24, 2023 -Dec 3, 2023 from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Registration starts Aug 1, 2023 - click Hatha Yoga details for more information.
Our GCA really pushed to get programming in our area so we encourage our residents to support this new initiative - we hope that if this program is well-attended we will see expanded programming that our residents and neighbours in the west side of PoMo can walk and cycle to.
Click HERE to see the other COPM program offerings for this fall.
The Rotary Club of Port Moody is very excited to put on THE premiere event again this year: Ribfest at Rocky Point Park. It's happening on the weekend of July 21-23 with an expected 45,000 guests over the three days. It takes over 350 volunteers to put on this event and they have many volunteer positions available that span all areas of the event, such as:
Assisting with Set-up and Tear-down (Ages 16+) [July 20 & July 24]
Just being a Floater/General Volunteer (14+)
Looking after the Volunteer Break Tent (16+)
Keeping the park clean on the Green Team (14+)
Working with kids as an Activity Assistant in the Family Zone (15+)
Being a Parking Monitor or Bike Valet (16+)
Being a Gate Counter or help with Gate Traffic (16+)
Expediting food or bussing tables in the Reserved/VIP Zone (16+)
This is a direct link to all the positions, shift time & description in SignUpGenius. Please see Ribfest Volunteer Poster.
Port Moody Ribfest is a great family-friendly event that raises over $130,000 for the Rotary Club of Port Moody. This money is returned to the community through grants and bursaries to a variety of clubs, organizations and charities.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to get in touch with Club Volunteers @ volunteers@portmoodyrotary.ca
Thank you for your consideration from the Rotary Club of Port Moody and the Ribfest Organizing Committee!
The GCA Executive is pleased to announce that with the support of local residents, the Family Picnic is back. The picnic will be in the Art Wilkinson Park, Saturday, July 8, the week after Canada Day. There will be BBQ hot dogs with all the fixin’s, sodas, ice cream, popcorn, fun games, activities and much more. This event is for GCA members of all ages, the whole family is welcome!
Bring some chairs, blankets, and extra food if you have allergy concerns or want to have “special” beverages. We still have some volunteer and sponsorship opportunities remaining so if you can help or you would like to contribute something to the picnic, please let us know by June 16.
We look forward to seeing everyone at the Art Wilkinson Park, Saturday, July 8 starting at 11 AM and runs through to 3 PM.
Port Moody Golden Spike Days Society is currently looking for volunteers for this year’s festival. Held June 30 to July 3, 2023. Volunteers will receive free admission to the park including all events and services, access to our hospitality suite with a variety of food and beverages, a Golden Spike Days T-Shirt and a reference letter detailing how many hours you have worked, if needed. If you are interested, sign up on their website goldenspike.ca/volunteer.
30 May 2023: GCA Scholarship 2023 update!
Congratulations Cassidy Kowalchuk! You have been selected by the GCA Executive as the 2023 SCHOLARSHIP WINNER to receive this year’s $1,000.00 post-secondary scholarship. Thank you for your ongoing support of our neighbourhood. Keep up the good work Cassidy! On behalf of your community, we wish you the very best with your future studies.
A Letter from Engage Port Moody - We need your input!
Get involved in Phase 2 engagement activities for Trees in Port Moody. The City of Port Moody is developing an Urban Forest Management Strategy and reviewing our Tree Protection Bylaw. In Phase 2, underway now, we’re asking for feedback on the draft Urban Forest Management Strategy and on priorities for implementation. How should we manage and protect trees as our community evolves? Here’s how you can get involved in Phase 2 public engagement activities:
attend our Urban Forest Management Strategy Open House on June 1, 2023, in person at the Civic Centre (100 Newport Drive) between 4:30pm and 7:30pm
fill out one or both of our community surveys online at engage.portmoody.ca – our Urban Forest Management Strategy survey and our Tree Protection Bylaw Review survey will both be open through June 25, 2023; leave a comment on the Tree Protection Bylaw Review
We are halfway through our 2023 membership drive. Membership for residents of Glenayre is $25 or $30 for associate or non-residents. To pay online via e-transfer, send your membership dues to membership@myglenayre.ca. For further details please go to our web page at www.myglenayre.ca/contribute-2023-dues.
We are looking for volunteers to help with our door-to-door collections after the summer. The door knocking is very important. From experience the people who have not yet paid typically just forgot or have not gotten around to it and gladly pay when you ask. If you would like to volunteer with collecting member dues in September, please contact Nadine at rowatn@hotmail.com or GCA.contact@myglenayre.com
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR BUSINESS PARTNERS - see our local Port Moody Business Partners on this website!
The GCA Executive is working with City of Port Moody staff to bring recreation activities to the Glenayre Community Centre but unfortunately there are not many opportunities in the west side of Port Moody that we can walk to. There is a free introduction to Pickleball at the Art Wilkinson Park July 18 and August 22 from 10 to 11:30 AM. Westhill pool is open daily starting June 19. Registration for summer aquatics programs and swim lessons begins on June 13 - programs, and lessons are viewable online on Thursday, June 8 on the city of Port Moody Web site. Celebrate the start of summer with the Westhill Family BBQ and Pool Party on Sun, July 9 from 1-4pm. $2 per person. Call “Recreation” at 604.469.4556 or go to portmoody.ca/recreation to learn more about these and other summer activities.
City staff has informed the GCA that they will finish phase two of the Spray Park upgrades in September, but the first phase has been resurfaced and is ready to use all summer. Phase two will include the additional spray features and an expansion of the spray park area.
The new message boards at the entrances to Glenayre are being installed now. Some of you may know the new signs have a “zip channel” letter system which will allow the GCA to create custom messages. Now we need a sign manager to post and remove messages as required by the executive and post our monthly reminders such as Me-N-Eds pizza night on the first Thursday of every month. If you would like to be the new message manager, please contact the GCA at GCA.contact@gmail.com for further information.
Fathers Day is June 18! Father's Day was first celebrated in Spokane, Washington on June 19, 1910. The holiday was later moved to the third Sunday in June. To all the Dads, Uncles, Big Brothers and all the “father figures’ out there, Happy Fathers Day!
This year Canada Day falls on a Saturday so the stat holiday will be Monday July 3rd. Canada’s age is counted since confederation in 1867, when it officially became a country. Happy 156th birthday Canada!
This is our last newsletter before the summer break. Keep an eye on the NEW signs boards as you enter Glenayre and your website (MYGLENAYRE.CA) for updates and news over the summer. To join the mailing list so you are always informed about events and notifications, email contact.GCA@gmail.com with your address. There is a paperless option now if you prefer too!
WISHING YOU ALL A VERY FUN & SAFE SUMMER! We'll see you in September!
30 May 2023: UPDATE - Our neighbourhood renewal project is COMPLETE!
The City of Port Moody granted approval for the Glenayre Community Association to replace our signboards and with the help of Paul Dunseith, a local resident who sourced a small excavator and dump trailer to help the GCA remove and dispose the old message boards from Glenayre, our new signs are here!
23 May 2023: Being Good Neighbours - Pets in Glenayre
The GCA is providing a gentle reminder of the Port Moody By-Laws and good neighbour expectations for our community's dog regulations:
All dogs must be leashed. There are currently three designated off-leash areas in Port Moody and one dog run area in Port Moody. NOTE: There are no off-leash areas in Glenaye so please keep your dogs on-leash. All dogs must be under the control of their handler at all times.
Dogs are prohibited on school grounds, playgrounds, sports fields and other areas with posted signs. NOTE: dogs (on leash or off) are not allowed on the beach at Old Orchard Park, or on Port Moody sports fields, running tracks, tennis courts, playgrounds, or spray parks. This includes Ailsa Park Spray Park and the Glenayre School playground.
Keep pets away from streams. Animal waste is polluting and harmful to wildlife and the environment. Pets entering streams can erode stream banks, cause siltation and disturb wildlife.
We ask you to respect these restrictions for the health and safety of the public and the protection of our sensitive habitat areas and local wildlife. Please see the Parks and Community Facilities Rules and Regulations Bylaw and the Animal Control Bylaw (BL2677-C) for more information. Report concerns to:
Bylaw Enforcement - phone: 604-469-4697 or online bylaw complaint form
Bylaw Enforcement - After hours (Police) - phone: 604-461-3456
The Ecole Glenayre Elementary SPRING CARNIVAL will be on Thursday, June 1, 2023. They are in need of SPONSORS! Do you have a small business that might be able to sponsor one of the bouncy castles or carnival games? Would you be able to donate to their raffle prizes? Please reach out to the PAC if you can help. They are happy to offer you the opportunity to advertise your business with a sign or a banner at the event. Would you like to perform at the Spring Carnival? They are also looking for VOLUNTEER MUSICIANS! Please reach out to PAC with any ideas you have at: glenayrepac@gmail.com
GCA Scholarship 2023 applications are now closed. Check back for updates!
Do you live in Glenayre? Are you graduating from high school in the spring of 2023? Do you plan to attend an accredited post-secondary institution? The GCA is continuing its scholarship tradition with a competition for up to $1,000.00 towards post-secondary education. The GCA Scholarship 2023 application process lays out the specific requirements. The application deadline is April 28 at 11:59 PM. Best of luck to all applicants!
22 Apr 2023:
Our 2023 Membership drive kicked of at the Easter Egg Hunt. We have received over 60 memberships but with our target of 80% participation, we still have 339 more homes to go! You can pay by cash or cheque and *new this year* you can “tap” to pay electronically. 2023 member dues are $25.00. You can also pay your membership fees by e-transfer. Click on the CONTRIBUTE 2023 dues tab on the left column of this page. We made it easier to do an e-transfer from your bank to the Glenayre Community Association:
Use this email: membership@myglenayre.ca
In the MESSAGE section, please provide your full street address so we know you have paid.
If you would like to volunteer for membership collection, please contact Nadine at rowatn@hotmail.com
May 14 is Mother’s Day. Of course, the best gift for Mom on Mother’s Day is a big hug! Same goes for Mother-in-Laws, Stepmoms, Grandmothers or any woman who has helped to nurture and guide you through life. If you’re not able to see her in person, then pick up the phone to tell her how much you appreciate and love her. As a matter of fact, more phone calls are made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year. After Christmas and Hanukkah, more people buy flowers and plants for their moms on Mother's Day than any other holiday but the most popular gift for Mother's Day is the greeting card. Every Mother's Day there are approximately 152 million Mother's Day cards sent. Another way to show Mom how much you appreciate everything she does is to give her a break. If dining out is on the menu, better get a reservation, Mother's Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants. Another popular gift for Mom is a gift card for a salon or trip to the spa for some well-earned R&R. You do not have to make it fancy, make dinner as a family for Mom, have everyone take on some daily chores, bring Mom breakfast in bed. Don’t worry, whatever you decide, if it comes from the heart, she will love it.
On behalf of the GCA, Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms out there!
Our GCA has its very own Community Page on Facebook. Find us at https://www.facebook.com/myglenayre/ or through the Community Links tab on in the left side column and look for our our GCA logo.
Stay up to date and receive reminders on happenings in our neighborhood by giving our Page a Like and Follow. You'll be joining the 425+ others who have already done so! We welcome you to be part of the conversation by commenting on our posts. You may also create your own post on this page via the “Post Tab” located on the navigation bar. As this is a Facebook "page" (not a Facebook "Group"), your post will go through a short approval process and so long as it meets guidelines it will be shared to the Page. Standard guidelines include:
👍🏻Be Kind and Courteous 👍🏻No Hate Speech or Bullying 👍🏻No Promotions or Spam 👍🏻Respect Everyone's Privacy.
Crafters: Save The Date Oct 14, 2023, for the 2nd Annual Glenayre Craft Sale to be held again at the Glenayre Community Center. This year the event will be for crafts only. More info and registration to follow in the next newsletter.
Your GCA met with the City of Port Moody Recreation to see if there are opportunities to bring activities to our local community centre. The City staff has asked us to reach out to you to assess what sort of programs you would be interested in. The activities could be social like games or card night, recreational like a yoga class, or educational such as a self-defense course. Please contact the GCA at GCA.contact@gmail.com with events you would like to attend and which days & time of day (day/evening) you would be available. The City needs to assess demand and ensure enough people are interested so they can commit the resources to make local neighborhood events a reality. You can see a sample of currently offered CoPM activities to see what captures your interest. If you want to be able to walk to activities within Glenayre, now is your chance to speak up.
Some of you may have noticed that the unsightly old message boards at the entrances to Glenayre have been removed. The GCA would like to thank longtime resident, Paul Dunseith, who procured a small excavator and dump trailer and volunteered his expertise to remove and get the old signs to the recycling centre. Thanks for your help Paul! The building permit has been received from City of Port Moody and fabrication of the new signs has commenced. The new signs will be installed in late spring!
Sorry for those who could not attend this year’s Easter Egg Hunt. Despite the weather we had over 170 kids attend. Congratulations to Dave Rurak, the winner of our 50/50 Draw*. We want to thank Dave for promptly donating a big chunk of his winnings back to the GCA, thanks Dave! This year’s event was sponsored by SHAW BAKER REALTORS who has been providing real estate services in the community for many years. For more information about their services, please go to, http://www.shawbakerrealtors.ca/. For the Shaw Baker Team, Glenayre is more than a real estate market they do business in, it’s also where they call home.
This years event was also supported by DUFFERIN CARE CENTRE who donated the cute stuffed animals for the prize draw. The Dufferin Care Centre offers seniors a variety of independent and assisted living options in BC, Alberta and Quebec. E-mail duff.info@retirementconcepts.com for more information.
The TIM HORTONS on United Blvd. donated lots of yummy TimBits and new this year, the McDONALDS on Clarke Road donated donuts and two large thermoses of coffee for everyone to enjoy. We want to thank everyone who volunteered to make this year’s event so successful, THANK YOU EVERYONE! (*gaming event lic. #139966).
Save The Date: July 8 the popular Glenayre Family Picnic is being held at our Art Wilkinson Park. The event will be hosted by local volunteers with the support of your GCA. The event will include a BBQ, ice cream treats, games, activities for all ages, music and much more. Further details to follow in June. If you’re interested in helping at this event, or you would like to suggest some activities to include, please contact us at GCA.contact@gmail.com
Start cleaning out the crawl space! Port Moody’s City-Wide Garage Sale happens on Saturday, April 22, 2023. This is a great opportunity to give away gently used goods your family no longer uses. Bargain hunters: look for a list of participating households online at the City Of Port Moody City-Wide Garage Sale Map - fingers crossed for good weather... or at least tolerable rain!
09 APR 2023: 1st Glenayre Scouts Bottle Drive
1st Glenayre Scouts will be picking up refundable beverage containers on April 15 - you can leave your containers in a bag that is clearly tagged for 1st Glenayre Scouts or drop your bags off at Glenayre Elementary School - with a BIG thank you from the Scouts.
08 Apr 2023: Our neighbourhood renewal project is UNDERWAY!
The City of Port Moody granted approval for the Glenayre Community Association to replace our signboards!
The GCA did some long overdue spring cleaning on Friday with the help of Paul Dunseith, a local resident who sourced a small excavator and dump trailer to help the GCA remove and dispose the old message boards from Glenayre. We should be able to pick up our building permit and start fabrication of our new signs in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for updates!
Start cleaning out the crawl space! Port Moody’s City-Wide Garage Sale happens on Saturday, April 22, 2023. Register your house address by April 10 to get your address listed online and in the Tri-City News at no cost to you. This is a great opportunity to give away gently used goods your family no longer uses. Bargain hunters: look for a list of participating households online at the City Of Port Moody web site after April 12, 2023. We’ll post the link on this page - stay tuned!!
Such a great turnout at yesterday’s Annual Glenayre Easter Egg Hunt! Grateful thank you to all of our volunteers including our local Scouts, and to our event sponsors, Shaw Baker Realtors, and to YOU, our neighbours and friends who make up our unique and special community! Thank you all for coming out to support and make this a great event, even in the rain. See additional photos on the GCA Glenayre in Photos page!
Thank you to all those who contributed your annual $25 membership dues which helps make it possible for your Community Association to continue hosting events like this one!
If you didn’t get a chance to contribute you can still easily do so - please see options at GCA Contribute 2023 Dues page in the column to the left.
Congratulations to the lucky winner of our first ever 50/50 fundraiser draw who walked away with $250 in his pocket!
Looking forward to next year's EASTER EGG HUNT event!
23 MAR 2023:
We are thrilled to kick off the Easter long weekend once again with our traditional Easter Egg Hunt at the Art Wilkinson Park on Friday, April 7th, at 10:30 AM. The GCA Executive is very happy to announce we now have an event sponsor Shaw Baker Realtors who have been providing local real estate services in our neighbourhood for many years and we are grateful for their support.
One of the suggestions we received from our community members to raise funds was to have a 50/50 Draw - so we are doing just that at this year’s Easter Egg Hunt! 3 tickets for $5.00, with a potential winnings of $250.00! So rub that lucky rabbit’s foot and bring some extra cash. The 50/50 Draw is for people 19 years and older. Good luck to all!
We will be kicking off our 2023 GCA Membership Drive so please bring cash or a cheque for $25.00 payable to the Glenayre Community Association. See below for details.
Please make sure to arrive at least 15 minutes before the event starts and don’t forget to bring an Easter basket to put all your chocolate eggs! The Easter Egg Hunt is for kids age 0 to 10.
As always, a membership table will be set up at the Easter Egg Hunt to collect your annual GCA dues on April 7 from 10 to 11:30 AM. You can pay by cash or cheque and *new this year* you can “tap” to pay electronically. 2023 member dues are $25.00. You can also pay your membership fees by e-transfer. Click on the CONTRIBUTE 2023 dues tab on the left column of this page. We made it easier to do an e-transfer from your bank to the Glenayre Community Association:
· Use this email: membership@myglenayre.ca
· In the MESSAGE section, please provide your full street address so we know you have paid.
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR BUSINESS PARTNERS - see our local Port Moody Business Partners
Start cleaning out the crawl space! Port Moody’s City-Wide Garage Sale happens on Saturday, April 22, 2023. Register your house address by April 10 to get your address listed online and in the Tri-City News at no cost to you. This is a great opportunity to give away gently used goods your family no longer uses. Bargain hunters: look for a list of participating households online at the City Of Port Moody web site after April 12, 2023. We’ll post the link on this page - stay tuned!!
GLENAYRE FACEBOOK PAGE - is finally up and running! Please check us out at facebook.com/myglenayre
If you asked to be removed from the paper new letter delivery, this will take effect in May. You can opt back in to receive the paper version of the newsletter at CONTACT US. For those receiving the paper delivery, you can also sign up to our e-mail list so you can receive electronic special alerts or news items that arise inbetween the monthly paper newsletter deliveries. To subscribe to the GCA e-mail list or to receive the e-newsletter, CONTACT US with your name, street address, and e-mail address.
Check out the Inlet Spring Regatta on Saturday April 29, 2023 from 9AM to 5PM at Rocky Point Park for Dragon Boat Races, foods trucks, Beer Garden and more!
Our two lawn rollers were not returned at the end of last summer. If you have one of the lawn rollers please contact Chris Anderson at (604) 562-3469 or CONTACT US - THANKS!
16 Mar 2023: GCA Scholarship 2023 applications are now open!
Do you live in Glenayre? Are you graduating from high school in the spring of 2023? Do you plan to attend an accredited post-secondary institution? The GCA is continuing its scholarship tradition with a competition for up to $1,000.00 towards post-secondary education. The GCA Scholarship 2023 application process lays out the specific requirements. The application deadline is April 28 at 11:59 PM. Best of luck to all applicants!
The executive would like thank City of Port Moody staff for the great job they did replacing the “Tot House” in the Art Wilkinson Park playground. The City will be doing work to improve drainage around the patio area of the Community Centre. The $130,000 renovation and upgrades to the Ailsa Spray Park are expected to begin in early spring 2023. Hopefully the improved Spray Park will be up and running before the first heatwave of the summer.
The Stoney Creek upgrades in Ailsa Park are to be completed by end of spring. New fencing is to be installed around new (2022) plantings. Future streambank protection works (2023/2024) will include the addition of new vegetation and soil stabilization measures. Parents are asked to keep their kids from playing in the ravine area and to explain that it is an environmentally sensitive area. Hopefully, one day we will have salmon come back to spawn in the creek.
17 Feb 2023 - NEWS:
How will Port Moody’s Seaview neighbourhood evolve over the next 30 years? The City invites you to join them at the Glenayre Community Centre, Saturday, March 4, 2023 from 2pm to 4pm for a workshop that is part of the Port Moody 2050, public input process. You’ll have an opportunity to learn about proposed key directions for topics of interest as they relate to the Seaview neighbourhood. Topics may include: Neighbourhood character, housing, amenities, parks, transportation, and more.
Please visit the Port Moody 2050 project page at engage.portmoody.ca to register for the March 4 workshop.
Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seaview-neighbourhood-workshop-tickets-543151479697
The City is holding a Wildlife awareness presentation, hosted by the Stanley Park Ecological Society (SPES) at the Glenayre Community Centre on March 3 from 7 TO 8 PM. Come take advantage of this opportunity to learn about the wildlife in our area and how we can better coexist with our furry and feathered friends. Please take note that there has been a cougar sighting in the Seaview/ Glenayre area.
As we all know, the Tri Cities News has been informing and serving our community for many years. Having a paper that focuses on local news and events is a huge benefit to our residents and local businesses. Currently there is a delivery route in Glenayre that has not had a delivery person for several months. This is a great opportunity to not only get some exercise and fresh air, buts it’s a great way to provide a valuable service to our neighborhood, not to mention put a few bucks in your pocket! Below is the route information for the carrier requirement in Glenayre and the contact information for paper’s circulation department.
Route# 2601 6047: Ailsa Avenue, Fenwick Wynd, Glencoe Drive, Weldon Court = 65 papers
Circulation phone Number: 604-472-3040 Circulation Email: circulation@tricitynews.com
Save the date, Good Friday is early this year. The annual Glenayre Easter Egg Hunt at the Art Wilkinson Park will be held at 10:30 A.M., Friday April 7, 2023. Make sure to show up at least 15 minutes early with an Easter basket to put your chocolate eggs in. We have a new attraction and a new event sponsor which we look forward to announcing next month. If you want to volunteer to at this event you may contact us at: GCA.contact@gmail.com
On March 24, 25 & 26th, at Mackin Park, Festival du Bois is celebrating French-Canadian food, song, dance, and other culturally significant activities. This Maillardville Music & Culture Festival is a very popular event for local families, with shows and a tent specifically aimed at entertaining kids of all ages. Visit the Métis Village Experience on site at Festival du Bois to enjoy, explore, learn and appreciate the rich Métis history, art, culture, perspectives, language and tradition that have been part of this country for over 200 years. If you would like to show off your French language skills or just lend a hand, they are looking for volunteers. To buy tickets on line tickets, event details and times or to volunteer go to: https://www.festivaldubois.ca/ You may also volunteer by contacting the volunteer coordinator, Geneviève Lalonde at: genevieve@maillardville.com or by phone, 604- 515-7070.
On Saturday, March 25 between 12 to 3:30 PM, The Port Moody Station Museum is hosting an event in its old passenger rail car called “Board Games and Tea”. The train can hold 32 people at a time, and we will have two outside tables for an additional 8 guests. Reservations are recommended and can be made at boardgamesandtea604@gmail.com Reservations will be in two blocks: Block 1 12PM-1:30PM, and Block 2 1:30PM-3PM. Kids are welcome. Please specify the age of your child when making your reservation so they can ensure there is a game suitable for your party. They will have kid-friendly drinks on the train. Museum Donation: $10 per person (includes approximately 90 mins of playing time and a tea of your choice from our selection)
Well winter started with a bang, setting new records for cold temperatures. Based on the long-range weather forecast at the time of writing this article, Ms. Winter’s final hooray should bring one last blast of winter weather (end of February) about the time you’re reading this and then we should be in the home stretch, the spring equinox occurs on Monday, March 20, 2023.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! Unless you’ve been living under the Blarney Stone you already know that March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day. Affectionately known as St. Paddy’s Day or St. Patty’s Day, it’s the one day each year that everyone and anyone can call themselves Irish – if not by birthright, then in spirit. The most notable tradition that has lasted over the years with many others is the tradition of wearing "green" - people must wear at least one item of green clothing. If someone doesn't wear the traditional color, other people are allowed to pinch that person.
The traditional Saint Patrick's Day food of Canada is corned beef and cabbage. People across Canada and the USA visit pubs and bars to celebrate with others. Drinking is a huge part of the celebrations. This appears to be a modern North American phenomenon not firmly rooted in Irish tradition. But the Irish are not complaining. When they first came to North America, the Irish were rejected and despised, now everyone wants to be Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. How great is that? CHEERS! Sláinte!
If you are concerned about the changes proposed by NAV Canada which would move flight paths for YVR over our neighborhood and would like to be active about voicing your disapproval of the NAV Canada proposal, you can learn more and there is an online petition you can sign at: https://nooverflights.com/
21 Jan 2023 - NEWS:
For more timely notifications from the GCA, please sign up to our electronic mailing list for important notifications and to receive our new electronic newsletters, please e-mail GCA.contact@gmail.com to register.
It’s cold and damp out there, but rain or shine, all are invited for a walk in our neighbourhood on February 25 at 4:00 PM. We will gather outside the doors of the Glenayre Community Centre and begin walking from there, leaving no later than 4:10 PM. Our circular route, on sidewalks, is about 2 km. February is typically the coldest month of the year, and our objective is to raise awareness of the challenges of homelessness in this climate. We encourage donations of any amount to RainCity Housing, a charity that operates shelters in the Tri Cities. This is an opportunity to connect with your neighbours, show your support for those less fortunate, and meet other walkers of all ages. Please dress comfortably for the weather. Hope to see you there! https://www.raincityhousing.org/
A quick reminder to support our business partners who in turn support our community, the Port Moody Liquor Store (2929 St. Johns) donates 5% of your purchase to the GCA, Me-N-Eds gives back 20% to the GCA for orders placed on the first Thursday of each month and Mulino Foods give 10% discounts to our residents every Monday. As we enter what is expected to be a turbulent economy in 2023, please try to support all of the businesses in Port Moody. On the City web site there is a business directory for you to reference so you can see all the products and services that are available locally. Go to: https://businessdirectory.portmoody.ca/ for a complete list of Port Moody businesses.
Thanks to a concerned resident it has been brought to our attention that NAV Canada, whose core business is to provide air navigation services, is proposing changes to approach procedures at Vancouver International Airport including changes to some of the arrival routes further away from the airport. It would appear these changes will bring air traffic closer to if not directly over Glenayre. For further information and maps of current and proposed flight paths, please go to: www.navcanada.ca/VAMP
Mario Bartel of the Tri Cities News recently wrote an article about the possibility of water levels at Sasamat Lake dropping by two metres if a dam, that's next to the Sasamat Outdoor Centre, is removed. The dam was originally built by Imperial Oil about 100 years ago to collect water for use at its refinery in nearby Ioco. It was replaced by a new dam in the 1960s. An inspection of the dam in 2019 that discovered some seepage has the company considering its options, Ali Tejpar, the project manager for the oil company, stated. While decommissioning the dam is one possibility, Tejpar said Imperial Oil could also build a new dam in the same location that would include a new pedestrian bridge. Metro Vancouver Regional Parks stated they would like to preserve the visitor experience, which involves ensuring water quality, beach experience and other key features such as ‘dog rock’ and the floating walkway are not diminished.
Mayor Lahti noted, “Any change, particularly in the interface where people recreate on or near the lake will bring concerns”. She also noted that it’s not just Port Moody, but the entire Metro Region, see this area as an important integral recreation and environmentally significant area. Our Mayor said she hopes Imperial Oil will expand its engagement to include the general public as well and she even offered city space to host consultation and information meetings.
Tejpar stated a final decision on the dam’s future is still a ways off as Imperial Oil continues to collect feedback although in the Tri Cities News article he conceded there’s no immediate plan to engage the public at large: “We want to make a fact and data-driven decision." Keep an eye on this story as it develops.
As we draw closer to the end of the 2023 school year that means there is a $1,000 grant up for Glenayre grads who plan on going on to post secondary school, but will anyone qualify? If you’re graduating from high school this year its worth noting the most significant factor to winning the Glenayre Scholarship Award is volunteering within our community. So, how many driveways did you clear for your neighbours this past snow fall? Will you be coming out to help at the easter egg hunt? Will you volunteer to come help remove our old message boards when the new ones are ready early spring? Time is running out to improve your chances so get involved now. Stay tuned for application process!
18 Jan 2023 - learn about the proposed key directions for Official Community Plan
As part of Port Moody 2050, the City of Port Moody wants to gather public input and draft updates to our city’s Official Community Plan; you are invited to participate in a community dialogue session in February 2023. The City is hosting four sessions – three in-person and one online – to provide an opportunity for residents to learn about proposed key directions for Official Community Plan (OCP) updates and engage in round-table discussions with other attendees on topics of interest such as parks, transportation, and housing.
The Port Moody 2050 Community Dialogues are happening on the following dates:
Thursday, February 2, 2023 from 6-8pm in the Civic Centre Galleria (100 Newport Drive)
Saturday, February 4, 2023 from 2-4pm in the Wellness Room at the Port Moody Recreation Complex (300 Ioco Road)
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 from 7-9pm in the Civic Centre Galleria (100 Newport Drive)
Monday, February 13, 2023 from 7-9pm online (virtual) via Zoom.
Please visit the Port Moody 2050 project page at engage.portmoody.ca to register for the session that best fits your schedule. Free childcare will be available on a first come, first served basis at all in-person community dialogue sessions – please call 604-469-4556 to register for this service.
Visit engage.portmoody.ca to learn more and register to participate.