2021 News & Announcements
20 Dec 2021: Glenayre Christmas Lights 2021 Winner is...
809 Coylton Place! Congratulations on a job well done! Thank you to the Kowalchuk family for donating their winnings back to the Glenayre Community Association. You have set the bar and you embody what makes Glenayre such a fantastic neighbourhood.
We would also like to give an honorable mention to 964 Garrow Drive, 908 Dundonald Drive and 972 Weldon Court. We all appreciate your efforts.
Thanks to everyone who participated in decorating their homes this year, thanks for brightening up the holidays, we can share a sense of pride to see how many of our residents participate in all our festivities.
30 NOV 2021: Welcome to our GCA Executive 2022
President Sean Ogilvie
Vice President Kelly Staples
Past President Mike Fricker
Directors Leslie Evans Ogden, Barbara Junker, Warren Lyne, Nadine Rowat, Derek Webb
01 NOV 2021: REMINDER - GCA Annual General Meeting 04 November 2021 @ 7:00 PM
Meeting is at the Glenayre Community Centre at 492 Glencoe Dr, Port Moody. This yearly meeting is the time when we make important decisions for the GCA and inform our members of previous and future activities.
We have three vacancies on the GCA Executive.
All attendees are required to wear a mask when entering and leaving the centre, and we respectfully ask that attendees wear their masks during the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM - please join us!
28 October 2021 - The SPOOKIEST House in Glenayre
Ghostly Greetings! GCA Executive members will be patrolling the streets on their brooms this Friday and Saturday searching for the Spookiest House in Glenayre!!! Get into the spirit and help make Glenayre spook-tacular.
**The Grand Prize Winner will receive a fang-tastic $50.00 prize**
It looks like we will have a boo-tiful dry Halloween so please watch out for our little pumpkins, ghosts and goblins on the streets. Happy Hauntings one and all!!
Please note there will be no fireworks in the school yard this year.
2021 August 10 - Bear Essentials
Glenayre has numerous bear sightings over the summer walking through our neighbourhood and going into residents' yards. Together we can help our community harmoniously share this habitat with bears and be good neighbours to wildlife. Preventing conflict with bears is a community-wide responsibility and the best way to keep both people and bears safe is to manage attractants.
Please click on these City of Port Moody links for Bear Essentials and 7 tips to keep people and bears safe to learn more about how to avoid attracting bears and what to do if you encounter a bear. Manage wildlife attractants to avoid a $500 fine!
If you see a bear in your neighbourhood or park, report it to the B.C. Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277. This maps bear encounters, which is essential in education and enforcement efforts before an animal becomes dependent on human-supplied sources of food.
2021 August 10 - Our neighbourhood renewal project is APPROVED!
Port Moody was given approval for the Glenayre Community Association to replace our signboard on Ailsa Avenue! The GCA would like to thank Glenayre resident Harald Kullmann who has graciously offered to provide the structural engineer design review and approval for our sign. There are a few more steps before the work can begin and we will update you as the process unfolds. We are almost there!
2021 July 13 - GCA is looking for your assistance with a neighbourhood renewal project!
The Glenayre Community Association (GCA) submitted a proposal to the City of Port Moody (CoPM) to replace our signboard located on the corner of Ailsa Avenue and Glenayre Drive, which is on CoPM property. The proposed signboard design was obtained from a local sign business and the GCA is working with the CoPM regarding the potential installation. The CoPM is reviewing this request and will develop a process for when community organizations like ours want to put a signboard on city property. The CoPM's approval process requires the signboard design be reviewed and approved by a structural engineer. This is a typical requirement for larger, non-standard, structures on public property.
Our request: the GCA is reaching out to our neighbourhood members to see if there is a resident structural engineer who would be willing to provide this design review and approval service at a low-or-no cost. If you are interested or have further questions about this request, please contact GCA president Mike Fricker at president@myglenayre.ca