Christmas Updates
Post date: Dec 6, 2011 7:23:01 AM
Children's Craft Fair
The CHILDREN'S CRAFT FAIR was held on December 2 at Glenayre Elementary School. Over $905 was raised and with another $100 from our Association, $1005 was donated to the Women’s Transition House.
Our community continues to do a fabulous job to support this endeavour. Thanks to ALL who organized this event.
Children's Christmas Party
All Glenayre children (aged 2-10) are invited to come out and enjoy a special day of crafts on Sunday, December 18, 1pm – 3:30pm at the Glenayre Community Centre. Hot chocolate will be served and maybe that special someone might stop in for a visit.
Please note the updated time for this event.
Christmas Lights Decoration Contest
Money, fame, glory & bragging rights are yours if you win the Christmas Light Decoration contest. The Executive will decide the winner. The judging will happen on December 1
Santa Suite
We do have a SANTA SUIT for rent. Call Karen MacDonald for further information. 604-939-6616