Neighbourhood News

Post date: Mar 10, 2012 7:12:24 AM

Residents are again noticing drivers speeding  - PLEASE remind all family drivers to SLOW DOWN: kids are playing more in the streets now that spring is coming!!

Kudos to those residents who help keep the community clean by picking up trash.  If you see garbage around – pick it up – keep Glenayre sparkling clean!!!

Lost and Found

If you lost a sled in the Park call 604-939-7097 to reclaim.

Invasive Plants

Have you seen Common English Ivy, Lamium, Periwinkle and/or Bishop’s Weed in your garden or in the Burnaby Mt. pathways???  These weeds are overtaking trees and forest areas & are spread by throwing these weeds into bush areas.

Burnaby is offering Invasive Plants Workshops 

Space is limited, so please register early. Refreshments served.  Cost: $5.00 per person, per workshop.

Register using WebReg at

Shadbolt Centre for the Arts | 6450 Deer Lake Avenue

Studio 102 | 10am-12noon

For more information, call 604-294-7690 or e-mail