Happy Hallowe'en!

Post date: Oct 23, 2013 6:02:38 AM

Colouring Contest

Would you like to press the button to start the Halloween Fireworks off with a BANG? The Glenayre Community Association is holding a colouring contest for children 12 & under who live in Glenayre.

Go to our Contests page to find the picture. When you have finished, drop your picture off at 823 Fenwick Place by October 29, 2013.

One entry will be drawn from the submissions and the winner notified on October 30, 2013. Good luck!

Decoration Contest

The Glenayre Community Association Executive will be touring the neighbourhood again this year, looking for the best decoratoed house for Halloween. They will be touring Glenayre to determine the winner starting Oct 27th, so make sure you are ready. Bragging rights and a $50 prize are up for grabs!

Volunteers Needed

The Glenayre Community Association is calling for volunteers to help clean up after the Halloween fireworks. This is a great opportunity for teenagers to gather some volunteer hours! 

Please contact Zac Jacobson at 604-999-9178 if you would like to participate.